Friday, October 1, 2010

Following your Peace

Good morning,
Wow do I feel energized today I can hardly believe its Friday already.. Something wonderful happens when you follow your passion, and Peace.... zest for Life happens and you begin to be all that you were created to be and more. It all starts from listening to that still small voice inside yourself guiding and leading you to your passion, and your purpose. When we start to allow that to happen and start to slow down early in the morning...Magic happens and you begin to trust and go with the flow of life not rushing from one disaster to another you begin to follow the lead of your inner self to guide you and lead you into your perfect plan for your life.

How many of us have stayed so busy for so long that we forgot what we love ..we forgot how to have fun..always taking care of everyone else and trying so hard to please the world that we forgot ourselves..we forgot to put oneself on the to do list. WE can be all and can have it all in a well balanced way. In order to do that we must make ourselves a priority we must take back ourselves as moms and as dads we are all for everyone and it would be so easy just to forget about ourselves and please all and lose all to others.

WE must fight back if you truly want a happy life and want to do what you love and follow your passion you must find it. In order to find it again... if your lost like I once was you must allow yourself to be at the top of your list... FIRST God ...then YOU... then your family... then your Job then friends, and whatever else you can fit in that is healthy for you. You have the power to go through your list of things to do and get rid of the things that are not working anymore learn to say No to the things that are consuming to much of your time and stressing you out. Learn the word NO if it doesn't work for not try and please the world and make everyone like you they never will be your true authentic self and the ones that can except all of you, are the only ones you want in your life.

Be who you were created to be before life and situations changed you...Bring back your Joy and spontaneous before you allowed it to be taken from you and always walk in Peace and love remembering how it was before stress and problems came into your life...Adore yourself and love yourself in a well balanced way follow your peace and watch and see miracles happen in every area of your life deserve to have all and be all...Go get it whatever it is you want...Learn to laugh again, and be happy...So important for your health as well as exercise.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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