Thursday, October 21, 2010

Take your Life and your Health Back

Good Morning,
Today is my day twenty of working out everyday and drinking Shakeology. I'm so excited I have noticed my energy going up, my nails are getting stronger, and growing, my hair is growing, and I no longer have the cravings for sweets and bad food, and my inches and stomach are shrinking, and I'm doing it slowing and naturally so that the weight will stay off, and that this truly will be a lifestyle change and not just another Diet that doesn't work.

I have no Idea why I have waited so long to get into shape, because it feels so great when you do great things for yourself daily, and its not selfish to take great care of yourself. So take it slow workout at least five times a week and don't be afraid to sweat..sweating is so good for you it gets rid of the toxins and helps burn fat. So no matter how long its been for you start today do everything you can for yourself to get as healthy and as fit as you can be.

Please understand that today is your day please don't wait till the kids are raised, till you get fatter, till you get less busy...all those excuses must go out the window and even if your family is not on the same page with you it anyway... do it because your sick and tired of being fat and unhealthy..You have to get a burning desire that will not allow you to stop, and you must find someone to be accountable to daily so that you wont fail, because they wont let you fail, and that's what Beachbody is doing for support system is all over the world and yet they feel so close.

Please understand that the Holidays are coming which means overeating...Please don't wait till after the holidays to do this for yourself..make your News Years resolution now today...please no that this program is for everyone men and woman first three coaches are men so you see this program that beachbody has designed is for men,and woman of all ages and all different sizes, because you see we all have the same goals the same dreams to find someone that inspires us daily like I have found and then follow the program and watch the pounds drop naturally through real sweat and real working out..there is no magic pill that will give you the body of your dreams you must get it through as much exercise and sweat and weight training as you can do, and with your daily Shakeology meal replacement that will give you the energy that you have been lacking to make it happen.

This was my missing puzzle piece to my life that's why I got into the bad rut of not exercising and taking care of myself because I got so busy and forgot about me. So now that I found the person that inspires me daily I'm taking the action steps to make it happen for me and that's why I keep sharing it with you because I don't want you to wait as long as I did. I truly want you to understand how important it is to take care of our health and that's why I'm posting pictures of my workouts so that you can see that I didn't start out with a perfect beachbody it takes work and determination daily, and I'm taking you with me on my journey so that you can see that If I can do it not even having a fancy home gym, that you can as well this is a no fail program and I need all the support and strength I can get from you, and I promise if you come on my journey with me I will do the same for you. remember free coach sign up the rest of this month you have nothing to lose except for pounds..wont you join me today.

Peace and Love always, Ursula

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