Friday, October 8, 2010

Ask for what you want

Good morning ,
Its Friday already cant believe how fast the weeks go so many great things are happening my kids are doing great in school, and My life is starting to go on the right track with fitness and drinking my wonderful meal replacement shake Shakeology. I'm going to keep making videos on my YouTube channel so that you can see how great it is as well. some people need to see your results before they can make a decision to try it themselves. So that's what I intend to do show the world how they can get in shape through beach body DVDs and drinking Shakeology once a day.

When you feel better you do more your more energized for the day and life just keeps getting better and whatever you focus on is what you get back.. so If I'm focusing on health and fitness, and then taking the action steps to make it happen... how could I fail. plus I have a great team I'm working with for incredible accountability.

we only get this one life to live are you going to sit around wishing and hoping for a better life or are you going to get up and take the action steps to get what you say you want. Ask for what you want in life "Ask and you shall receive" But most people forget or are to shy to ask for what they want...Growing and learning requires stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. The more you do that in your life the easier it becomes. The more you give also the more you receive in return, always remember treat people the way that you want to be treated and better.

WE all get to learn and grow daily loving our self in a well balanced way and loving others letting go of past mistakes and trials. life is a daily journey and we get to keep moving forward searching for more and better to be all that we were created to be and more and follow are peace and the still small voice inside of our self guiding and leading us to all.

Celebrate your life today and remember it all starts with you. Put yourself at the top of your to do list and focus on your dreams and goals and go after what you want and remember to ask for it and you shall have the greatest life ever, and always stay in peace , and gratitude.. I love you all and you deserve to make your dreams a reality.
Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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