Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Good Morning,
Up early again loving my morning drinking my coffee and spending time with my readers. Life is so great and wonderful ..I'm so excited about all that I'm doing now for the first time in my life I am following my passion and zest for life and changing my life, and others along the way. Celebrate your gifts and talents make them your daily passion and listen to the still small voice inside yourself guiding and leading you to a better life.

When we do this and follow are own talents and passion and not get swayed into someone elses dreams than we become blessed because its what we are suppose to be doing not what someone else wants us to do..Be the Leader of your own life following your passion your dreams..your purpose, and the only way you will know how to do this is allowing yourself to be guided buy your peace that surpasses all understanding..we all have that inner voice I call God ...that leads us to a peaceful place..we must be still early in the morning and meditate so that we can allow God to work through us to have the greatest most peaceful life then we could of ever imagined..stop staying so busy that you forget... you must get filled up daily with Gods Love and Gods Peace.

my life has changed so much because I have learned to slow down, and allow myself that quiet time first thing in the morning to get centered for the day, and then everything runs smoother and write a gratitude journal of everything your grateful for daily, and before you know it you will not have any problems at all because you don't allow yourself to focus on negative situations, or actions anymore and what you put out your energy is what you get back..

So if your focused on Loving God, Yourself in a well balanced way, and sharing your love and passion and zest for life your life...everything will start to change and the things that use to bother you will no longer bother you because you don't focus on negative thoughts, or feelings anymore..You focus on Love, Peace, acceptance, Worthiness, Abundance, and allowing all which is good into your life and miracles and blessings start to happen, because your putting in the action steps, and attracting more to your life daily. So this is the greatest life ever, because your attracting more Peace and abundance daily by allowing God to work through you and following your peace.

My prayer for all of you today is to allow God to work through you to change your life an attitude..to walk in peace and Love and celebrate everyday as it could be your last, and always remember to tell the ones you Love that you Love them daily and show them as well...now go have the greatest day ever creating your peaceful place, and Always treating people the way that you want and deserve to be treated.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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