Thursday, October 28, 2010

My days full but fabulous

Good Morning,
Cheers to all of you this morning, as we wake up together and share are coffee virtually...So great to be able to share with all of you daily. Well today my husband was going to take the day off since he has been working so much overtime his work is so busy..his boss said no we need you so he will work straight through the weekend again ...God give him strength busy man he is.

I keep really busy with three teens and a home business so I survive doing all for everyone including myself with this great workout plan thanks to beach body. I'm finely disciplined enough to workout daily eat right and drink the shake daily that's changing my life and body naturally with plenty of nutrients and vitamins that my body needs.. its like a scrub brush scrubbing through your body cleaning it out and detoxifying it daily... best meal of the day and you feel the results right away...So amazing it is. So for me since its making me feel so great and my weight is coming off naturally through that, and workouts..I will not ever be without it. So because I'm having incredible results I'm able to share with all of you because its working for me.

I have energy now to do all... which feels great I get up pack my husbands lunch at 4:00am because hes just like my kids spoiled, and say goodbye to him, and then get my coffee and get on my laptop start inspiring online by writing this blog and advertising my business and meeting new friends daily. Then I take my three kids to school one at High School and the other two are at middle school race home, get my workout close on and go down to my home gym... which is in my basement. workout for an hour with beachbody videos, elliptical for cardio, and weight training. I mix it up daily to trick my muscles and I'm having incredible results...Get in the shower, get dressed and ready for the day do some cleaning, running errands what ever I have to do, and get back on the computer for more advertising, and inspiring get on my team beachbody site log in my workout and talk with my team..

before I know it its two in the afternoon and my oldest son is ready to be picked up from school so I pick him up and the two at middle school..daughter stays for dance then back to pick her up at 4:30 so I make dinner before I pick her up because my husbands home at 4:30 starving because of working all we eat together then running around to different things that are going on for the kids church, sports, dance..busy busy, plus my daughter type A personality volunteers me for everything, because she thinks I'm home and I have nothing to
so I chaperon there dance socials and whatever else they need.

So as you can see even though I work from home I stay plenty busy doing all for myself, and my family its a full time job that's for sure, so that's why I'm so grateful for shakeology because that is helping me lose weight and giving me the energy I need to keep on going strong if you take care of yourself you will feel the best you have ever felt, and be able to keep up with a busy life three teenagers..there is always something going on and with a husband that works all the time its left for I get the daily strength I need to keep going strong and celebrating my life and loving being a full time mom to my kids. my kids come to me for everything and they know that they can always count on me for all.

So today ask yourself are you remembering to put yourself at the top of your to do list even though your busy? are you making healthy food choices? are you feeling great with lots of energy? are you sleeping great every night like a baby? are you at your perfect weight for your body? are you happy and grateful and see your cup half full instead of half empty? If you answered yes to all of these then your doing great if you didn't today is your day to make a better choice for yourself and live life to the fullest, and be full of energy, and loss the weight you need to and get the healthiest you've ever been.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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