Monday, October 25, 2010

Create the Life of your Dreams Today

Good morning,
I love mornings..Getting up early has become a habit for me, because its the only time that the house is quiet and peaceful and the coffee is hot and fresh, and I feel like I think so much clearer in the morning..My husband leaves for work so early and then I feel like I might as well get up and write my blog and advertise...Never waste any precious moments there are so many hours in a day to create and attract more of what you want. I feel for me because I have this passion and burning desire every single day, because I truly love my life and what I'm doing..I want to share with all of you.

Something wonderful happens when you are following your heart and your passion and destiny. Everyone was created to do something wonderful to change there life and make a difference along the way, its whether we choose to do that is what matters. One person can make a huge difference in impacting peoples life's..I never ever thought that I could do that,or would do that. I can honestly say because now that I have chosen the right path, and direction for my life being a beach body coach that it all just flows. I don't have to think about how I'm going to do it I just stay with a grateful heart everyday and it all just comes natural when your following your peace and doing great things for yourself and others it just works. you no longer have to think about how its going to work or worry about anything..You just wake up everyday and start creating, and doing, and being your true authentic self not caring what anyone else will think about you.

I decided along time ago that I was a people pleasure for to many years, and I worried all the time what someone was thinking about me, and trying so hard to fit in with someone Else's life..that way of living never made me happy so now I'm older and wiser and I'm truly living the life of my dreams, because I'm listening to the voice inside myself to guide me and lead me instead of trying to please people..which you never your true authentic self and let your inner voice guide you and it will give you the freedom to be exactly what and who you were created to be. Allow only like minded and positive people to impact your life and then find your passion and start creating daily. I for the first time in my life don't care if I offend someone else because I advertise my business, and because I'm excited about my weight loss, and because I cant stop talking about Beach body, and Shakeology, because I feel for the first time in my life I feel better then I have ever felt and I don't want to stay quiet about that, because If I could help people earlier than I helped myself to live the healthiest most vital life they could ever live why would I care what people will say if I keep posting about a business that truly changes life's.

Please allow yourself to create the best most rewarding life for yourself starting today and never allow anyone to tear you down, and steal your deserve to have it all and follow your passion and be grateful for everything and start being positive no matter what and start creating the life of your Dreams starting today.

peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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