Sunday, October 10, 2010

Change yourself and your life today

Good Morning,
Its 10 10 10 wow right ...we need to have a party my daughter said yesterday and enjoy this day so party we will ...any excuse to have fun a throw a party is a good day. I'm up early enjoying my coffee and love spending time sharing with you all. So many wonderful new things are happening to me all because I made a choice to put myself back on my to do list.

Moms and dads can sometimes feel guilty if there use to always putting there family and everyone else before themselves, and then they wonder why there health starts to fail, and why there stressed, and over tired...Its time for me to remind you how great you are and how if you don't start taking care of yourself and health then you are no value to them that way because you are not taking care of yourself and your needs... so how could you do all for them and nothing for yourself..your ripping yourself off by ignoring your health. "Selfish equals Self care" I have said this so many times because I really want you to get it and change today..Today is your day to make a healthy lifestyle choice for yourself to feel and look amazing.

It is never to late to make this change no matter how old you are and how unhealthy and out of shape you may be never ever give up on yourself...You deserve to start today with eating healthy fryed foods, and exercise at least 5 days a week sleep at least 8 hrs a night as well, and drink plenty of water and eliminate soda all together ...your body does not need all that sugar.

If you make these changes for yourself I promise you the weight will start coming off take vitamins everyday as well so important for are bones and overall health and well being, and I have replaced one meal a day which was the best change I ever did for myself with Shakeology do I feel great and energy through the roof ...You deserve to live your best life and stop obesity its making everyone sick and it doesn't have to be this way its a daily choice and a great lifestyle change that your family will be proud of you for doing and you will wake up and want to shout it to all like I'm doing I feel better then when I was in my twenty's I cant stop talking about how great I feel and now that I'm a coach for beach body you get to here all I have to share...My weight is dropping and my muscle mass is growing everything is getting choice I ever made for stop making excuses as to why you cant do this and jump on board with me as your personal coach and lets change this world one person at a time...Today is your day call me

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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