Sunday, October 3, 2010


Good Morning,
Up early yet another day sent husband off to work, because his job is so abundant they needed him to work straight through with no day off this week..bless him.
So once hes gone I cant seem to go back to sleep so I'm up drinking my coffee and sharing time with you my wonderful readers.

I know by now the ones that have been following my journey as a stay at home mom have seen just in this last week how excited Ive become to work for this great company beach body never could I ever imagined how much it was going to change my life. I have set many goals for my life and fitness levels, only to always fail because I was always doing it by myself and had no one to be accountable too, and thought I liked it that way so if I did fail nobody would no. So obviously that never worked for me as I layed on the bed squeezing into my pants, and getting fatter as the years went by." Curvy as I called it "

You go to mall or anywhere there is a long mirror and walk by, and see yourself and think no way that couldn't be me my stomach is not that big... kidding yourself, hiding from yourself , someday you have to look in a full length mirror, and see yourself... you cant hide from yourself forever. I believe the change I really needed was the realization that I could not do it alone that I needed accountability as scary as that was I needed it in order to finally stop hiding from myself and stop hiding my body in big clothes....You know how we all do when we feel bad about gaining weight..we think we can hide it.

You not only need the accountability, and support... its vital for your well being also we need like minded people that we send positive energy too, and have it come back to us, and whatever it is that we focus on is what we get in return...Now I understand why there are so many weight loss groups because we need that support in order to succeed.

I know with all my heart, body, and soul that I will achieve all my goals through the team support I have through Beach body..never in my life have I felt so much Love and support, and the Company literally takes care of everything..You sign up as a Coach to get your discount for Shakeology" which by the way is the best meal replacement Ive ever had... You have Breakfast, and then Shakeology for Lunch its like a wonderful shake frosty from Wendy's ... so filling I couldn't believe it,Its like five trips to the salad bar gives you so much energy, and I was full till dinner..Then you make dinner for your family, and get the small salad plate, and fill that up..and have some green tea...Perfect

You also get shakeology workout videos with your first order to get you started right, and you get two websites your beach body one, and your shakeology one and you can sign people up all over the USA ...all they have to do is go to your page and sign up under be a coach, and they can order stuff from your store it cannot be more simple, and you get payed every Thursday direct deposit, all by getting in shape at home, and drinking shakeology,and having daily logs for your workouts, and they have a wowy Gym that you can workout with your buddies online...How cool is that..This is the change I have been looking for, and I can see myself going very far in this company..and never feeling like its a job its just a daily wonderful lifestyle..and everyone deserves this so no more procrastinating just do it today... start today putting yourself at the top of your to do list more excuses..Contact me right away and we will have more fun then you could ever imagine possible.

Peace and Love Aways, Ursula

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