Saturday, October 16, 2010

Reclaim your Life and be happy along the way

Good Morning,
Wow its Saturday can you believe how fast the weeks go... I feel like I'm always on a roller coaster flying through life having the greatest time with all the twists and turns. I use to hate all the changes and twists and turns..But now I embrace them and love them, because each twist and turn assists me in learning and growing..When you know more you do more, so I feel so blessed that I get to go through life with a positive outlook loving and embracing myself and what I do.

Now I look at the glass half full instead of half empty. It is a daily choice and I can honestly say that if you allow all of life, and embrace all... and treat people even better than you treat yourself it all comes back to you and more. I had no Idea how just following my heart and my passion how life could get so great. I believe you get what you put out the vibrations you put out will match you in every area of your life..If I would of known this years I can only imagine how different my life would of been. Most of my younger life I was paralyzed with fear afraid of all...Took many years to get where I am today..many lessons..many breakthrough..much pain.

As I always say the only way out of your pain is to walk through it to a greater life creating exactly what you want daily. I'm creating so many things I never thought I would and learning so much along the way..I'm working for the greatest company right from my home, and doing things I never thought I could do to fear..I'm pushing myself daily to get out of my comfort zone ..writing in my gratitude journal, setting goals for myself , surrounding myself with positive like minded people, making videos of my beach body experience, and working out all the time feeling better then Ive ever felt...and allowing new things and new experiences in my life and I have to say it feels amazing..lately I can hardly sleep I'm so excited about all the new changes.. all the new coaches I'm bringing in to beach body, and looking forward to finding more so they can feel this Joy and happiness that I feel everyday. My life is truly amazing right now I feel I look forward to every single day..loving all and being all to myself and others.

Are you at a great place in your life? Do you look forward to your days? Are you stepping out of your comfort zone and creating your perfect life? are you at your goal weight? Are you happy with your job? Do you live your life with passion and excitement everyday?Are you putting your family before your job? Do you fuel your body daily with great healthy food? do you workout at least five days a week ? If you answered NO to most of these questions do yourself a favor and contact me today allow me to be your personal Beach body coach and share incredible secrets to get your life and body back you deserve to have all and be all that you were created for.

Peace and Love Always Ursula

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