Monday, October 11, 2010

Let down your walls and move forward

Good Morning,
Who better to share my morning, drinking coffee with then you..Thank you loyal goal in writing everyday is not only share what I'm learning daily but to inspire you daily as well to live the greatest most positive life you can. I do this to assist in my personal growth, and let you know that you can do this as well its a daily choice.

So many things have happened to all of us past hurts disappointment, bad relationships, sorrow, and pain..You can either move forward from the pain and learn from them, and take them as life lessons or stay stuck and build up walls to protect yourself not letting anyone in and living a miserable life. The only way out is through . If you want to have the greatest life you could ever imagine possible you must tear down the walls that you have built around yourself to protect yourself..which it doesn't it only causes more pain and sorrow.

Learn to love yourself again in a well balanced way discover what you love, and what you love to do your peace that surpasses all understanding..and allow God in to heal your broken heart..Then and only then can you be free to move on in a healthy well balanced way.

Trust and Learn to Love again and don't stay stuck and it will come back to you..Whatever energy you put out is what you get back..Please do not let past hurts or what someone else did to you allow you to stay stuck..Do not give your power away to anyone are the leader of your life... follow your peace..your passion..your talents, and always focus on gratitude in your life.

We only get this one life to live are you going to stay stuck or are you going to learn from it and keep moving forward...Love life and be a great leader making a difference everyday..when you give you do receive more than you ever thought possible so I encourage myself today as well as you to let down the walls and keep striving for the greatest life you could ever imagine possible.You get to put in your order daily to the Universe and attract what you want in your life daily.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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