Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Daily Choice

Good Morning,
Every single day we have a choice to do and live how we choose to. We get to wake up and focus on the good in Life or the Bad its your many people waste there life focusing on the things they cant change anyway, and worrying about things that take away from your productivity...Do you want to be the one that wishes you ll have a better life staying stuck and not doing anything to change it? Or are you going to be the leader of your life and grab ahold and embrace change and move through your fears and negativity and give it all you got..even if you have to start scared.

I'm a firm believer that whatever we focus on is what we create so if you focus on a life that is not working daily and do nothing about it but complain..well then guess what that's what you will continue to get the same results, but on the other hand if you focus on change and wanting to make a better life for yourself, and keep pressing forward challenging yourself daily and stepping out of your comfort zone..then and only then can you attract and create a better way for yourself, and your life will start moving forward into a direction that is perfect for you. we get to create a healthier, happier, abundant life for ourselves daily... its as simple as a choice to start living a positive, happy lifestyle daily.

I know for me it was a struggle at first to even know how to live this way I was not raises with positive role models growing up. I was raises with negative alcoholics all around me ..So it took years of personal effectiveness trainings and lots of mistakes along the way to truly discover that I wanted more, and that I even deserved more...many people get stuck thinking that they don't deserve to have all and be all that they were created many things can cloud your mind and soul, and you begin to build up walls thinking that will keep you safe from the pain and the world, and that only brings you more pain and loneliness...The only way out is through and the more you start to pray and learn to love yourself the more you learn to trust again and forgive..and then you start feeling strong enough to move forward and start to risks again and start to create your life and share your talents and gifts with the world...stop hiding, and staying stuck... today is your day to earn more lose create a positive attitude daily...and to take the action steps to truly set yourself free to fly like you were created to do when you were born, before everything got screwed up...take charge of your life starting today and you don't have to get permission to do it... just do who you were created to be and love unconditionally daily... set yourself free from pain and sorrow today, and by allowing your walls to come down.. I promise you will have the life of your dreams because you will attract and create them daily...Stay in peace and Love.

Peace, and Love Always Ursula

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