Wednesday, October 13, 2010

conquer your fears

Good Morning,
Love getting up spending time with you and sharing my thoughts and feeling ..Hope you all enjoy this, as much as I enjoy sharing with you.
So I'm moving forward doing things that are way out of my comfort zone stretching myself and breaking free from the fear that kept me paralyzed for years..fear of rejection..fear of failure...fear of not worthy enough..fear of not being smart enough, and I could go on and on.

For so many years my early 20"s and 30's waisted my time worrying, and not risking to afraid of failing so never taking the chance to even try anything new..worrying what other people felt about me trying to be all for everyone except myself just trying to fit in...just like the kids do in school..It takes awhile to break free from that kind of low thinking.

I'm so very grateful that now in my 40's I'm starting to break free from that low living and finally do and be who I am... and who I was created to takes a lot of soul searching..believe me but the more you do and become who you were suppose to be the whole time it is a peace that I cannot describe. You feel whole and free for the first time, and once you find that you will not allow anyone or anything to take that away from you..and you want to shout it off of the roof how free you feel, and then you begin to live your life allow your inner voice, and inner peace to be your guide even if you have to do it scared. "The only way out is through"

You may still have to move forward doing things to daily conquer your fears its a daily process but at least now your more aware of it the more you step out of your comfort zone, and the more you keep pushing through your fears in life the less scary it becomes, and you start doing things you never thought you would or could.

I started beach body as a coach because for me that's the missing link that I have been searching for to get my weight manageable again I thought I could do it on my own and now I know I need the support of others keeping me accountable or I will fail...I'm making videos now hoping that my story will inspire others as well to realize they need help as well..that we can be there for each other and cheer and inspire each other daily to keep on going and to fight the fears, and keep moving forward..getting healthy and wealthier everyday. We all have this huge passion inside of our self that needs to be unleashed. I'm not perfect at these videos as you see, and hopefully I will get better at making them ..nothing is going to stop me this time, because I do have this burning desire to be all and do all that I was created to do all along, and that is as healthy, happy, wealthy...and as good of person as I can be and assist others on this wonderful journey as well.
So no matter what... keep moving forward pressing to create the greatest life ever for yourself, and inspire along the way to assist in everyone getting unstuck along the way.~

Peace, and love Always, Ursula

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