Monday, October 4, 2010


Good Morning my wonderful readers,
First and for most I want to thank all of you for taking the time to read my blogs that means more to me than you know. I pray that I will inspire you to make healthy positive changes for yourself today and always we learn and grow through are mistakes in life and then we do not allow them to keep us stuck we keep moving forward becoming smarter everyday, because of all of are life lessons. We grow and become all who we were created to be by... allowing them to teach us to do better and be better.

I have a huge passion, and zest for life I feel new and cleansed daily, because I'm allowing ..I'm allowing daily to live with a grateful heart for myself, and all that are around me, and I'm allowing the "Peace that surpasses all understanding"... to flow through me daily seeking gods will for my life and allowing him to speak through me as I share. Do you have any idea how amazing that feels when you just surrender all to him and allow him to work through you ...touching life's through you.

We all have that ability to surrender all and let me tell you when you do that you no longer have to run from yourself you get to embrace your life, and let your light shine so bright that everyone wants what ever drug your on, and there is no drug, or alcohol that can give you a life like... surrendering all. We get to live this life of Love and passion, and so much peace you cant even imagine ever excited until you try it. It becomes a ripple effect in every area of your life and you begin helping yourself be the best that you can be and assisting others as well.

We get one life how do you want to be remembered ? I'm choosing the pathway Of Love and acceptance, forgiveness, and in the process I'm living the life of my dreams and spreading Love everywhere. Now because I'm allowing... I'm with beachbody fitness as a coach... doing my passion daily assisting myself in getting in the best shape of my life, so that it will match my inside, and how good I feel. We get to choose daily what we want, and what we are going to do with are life. I can honestly say that as long as I'm hear I might as well make the best of it changing myself and changing others along the way...Go get it ..its there for you as well it always has just get to surrender, and allow~
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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