Monday, August 1, 2011

Challenge Yourself more than you ever thought you could

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I want to challenge myself, and All of you this month to focus on YOU... more than you ever have or ever thought you could..After all it starts with you and how you feel, and Look is how you present yourself in your life and in the world the more you take great care of yourself... Healthy foods, workouts the more you become present to yourself, and the world. You begin a better quality life and began to feel more confident and sexy and your whole outlook of things in general and your attitude begin to change, it all works together...

So many people say well I'm fine without exercising, and eating healthy.. as my husband would say"
 I'M in excellent physical condition" those are his favorite words, when I ask him to exercise with me he thinks hes fine, because he has a high metabolism naturally, but is he really fine inside..who knows...For me I have to work hard to keep my weight off, after I had my kids is when it started and will continue to be a battle that I choose to win each and everyday...So for me its a no brain er I must make healthy lifestyle changes daily in order to have the greatest quality of life..Now will I ever be a size two probably not, but can I enhance what I already have keep the good quality curves, and tighten up YES so for me that's the most important not to look like a stick but to keep my abs in shape and tight, and enhance the great qualities of my body...

This is what has been the greatest thing for me being a beachbody coach you get to start as a coach at any weight and have a team that keeps you motivated and accountable each and everyday..This is why I have lost weight, because each and everyday I know my team is here on Facebook.. Cheering me on and I do the same for them before pictures, and progress pictures its so much fun you forget about the hard work it takes to get there because the DVDs are the best you workout in a class daily choosing which ones work for your personality, and its right in your Home, and you create a time that works best in your schedule..For me its first thing in the morning.. while My kids sleep that's the best feeling in the world and your endorphins kick in which is and natural happy drug and it sets the mood for the whole day to be amazing...the same feeling you get after sex..Oh and SHAKEOLOGY gives you the energy to keep going as well..

So today, and the rest of the month I want to encourage you if you do not have anyone to be accountable too... I want to invite you to contact me right away and lets get in shape together, its a new month and a new You is waiting to be revealed...join me for a greater younger healthier You Daily
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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