Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Live as it could be your last day

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
On my myspace profile it says IF I COULD DREAM in the background so it reminds me to dream and stay focused daily on what I dream about and how the dreams seem so real and magical and how life can be that way as well..its all in our mind, and attitude how we choose to dream,  live and be...

I have shared my life, and story with all of you the good the bad and the ugly in hopes that maybe by what I share I can help someone out there to see things, and life in a whole neither way...I don't always spell things correctly, and sometimes my mind goes before my words or the other way around but that just proves that I'm human just like you, and as long as we live we will make mistakes and will not always be perfect and Yes its OK to write outside the lines..that's all great therapy..

I'm learning everyday being a beachbody coach sharing weight loss videos and sharing my breast cancer story that I'm so human, and nothing can stop me from doing my best in assisting growth and love to as many people as I can thanks to the Internet I can share right from my home and than blast it out to the world to see, and my prayer is that people can learn that no matter what is going on in your life don't forget to Dream and Dream big and create a magical life for yourself... even if cancer was not in the Dream you dreamt....make the best of what you have and the time you get to live..I was feeling sorry for myself having to do radiation treatments daily and having to walk into the cancer center daily and now I'm on my third treatment today and 30 to go and Ive decided to train my mind that its my tanning appointment and I walk in there and Light up the place with my High energy and smile...

Now I just no I must show my Boob everyday to two men therapists...LOL.. that get to see me everyday and lay me down and prepare me for my radiation, and then I'm off pretending I had a great tanning appointment and off doing what I do not allowing this to effect my spirit actually I have been taking that quiet time to Pray so that part is a blessing for me..

So I guess what I'm saying to all of you no matter what happens to you still Dream and create the best most positive life for yourself..I'm working out 5 days a week focusing on our ABS this month and at the end of the month we are all sharing pictures and going to tan daily and creating and transforming a beautiful magical life daily...I so believe in MIND OVER MATTER" and I intend to keep bringing it with me through it all and showing all of you the power of positive living is the only way to live the most vital great healthy life that you can live....LIVE AS IT COULD BE YOUR LAST DAY AND LOVE LIKE YOU WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN....Blessings
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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