Thursday, August 18, 2011

when the tough get TIRED

Good Morning Beautiful friends,
all I can say is OMG.... I feel so tired this is the side effects from radiation but I must stay strong and remember to fight for my life more so than ever before...I look fine on the outside and am good at putting on a happy face but inside I feel they are frying all my good healthy cells as well not to mention frying my boob five days a week....

When you are a person as I am that has been working so hard on becoming healthy,  energetic and to now feeling like the energy is sucked out of me, and it seems that lately my favorite word to my kids is NO..I never new that word before I always wanted to do everything I could for them to make there life's amazing and now just going shopping school shopping makes me tired...

This confirms to me why I must keep fighting and keep educating on healthy living because when you feel GREAT and than go from GREAT to this feeling which some people feel everyday this feeling of sleeping 10 hour and still wake up Tired is not cool and is a fight for me right know the difference is harder than if I felt this before...

So because I am a beachbody coach...I know that I can and will get my energy and strength back keeps me focused on the end of treatment SEPTEMBER 14.... I intend to throw a ALIVE energetic Party for surviving cancer and radiation and never ever will I take for granted how blessed and Lucky I am to be here even through these dark gloomy days ahead... I will fight because I can and I have such a great amazing Life to fight for...And the most amazing family and friends, I could of ever hoped for...So this is why I get up everyday and still workout even when 10 Min's feels like its gonna kill me. I will keep fighting because I am blessed beyond what I could ever dreamed of being.....And All my needs are met...which is huge I don't worry about anything except getting through each day ....

stay positive and loving even through the difficult storms of life that could easily bring you down and give you a give up attitude don't buy into that....Keep your faith and know "that this too shall pass" and you are going to be stronger and braver than you ever thought you could be...THIS IS WHAT I TELL MYSELF DAILY TO GET ME THROUGH...and focus on gratitude rather than the negative and writing this BLOG is saving my life...thanks for listen I adore u all...
peace and Love Always, Ursula

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