Thursday, August 11, 2011

lift up people with your words

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I never ever thought I would like something as much as I like blogging for some reason it has become therapy to me. yesterday I did not write my blog and I felt more irritable I'm really fighting with my emotions in the evening more so than ever before and I'M not sure if its the radiation making me tired or what, so I feel I need to continue to share on these blogs in order to clear my thoughts and stay peaceful throughout the day...Why this helps I'M not sure but it feels like a safe place to share..If you talk about your feelings with your husband all you want them to do is listen, and be loving and understanding, but I'm not sure about your situation but my husband only here's complaining and whats to fix it his way which sometimes makes things worse and more complicated....

Just because your married there are certain things I feel you should not share with them I think its vital to have caring and loving friends to share with because they do not live with you and they will not take the things you say personally...Living with a spouse and sharing what you do and everything you are is and can be the most difficult thing, and also can be the most rewarding thing...I'm learning daily what I need to nourish my soul,  heart, and its not always with your spouse its by yourself in your quiet times like now and than I'm also learning once I get my feelings out by writing I need to pray and let it go, and watch my words and thoughts carefully throughout the day, because anytime your going through change its so easy to get mad at the ones you love, because they are the safest people in your life...Its not fair to them to do this and will eventually tear you apart so you must find other ways of solving your sadness, and grieving, and for me its my blog, beachbody DVDs and shakeology, and great friends... that help balance my thoughts, and mind, and when I get to tired and over do that's when I get frustrated so you must learn your body, and your limits as to keep peace in your Home and life..

when you screw up with your words and tear another person down in order to make yourself feel better that is never a good thing..Learning patients and Love through the hard times is the hardest thing to learn but the most valuable...sometimes when you have been married so long its so easy to take the other person for granted, and just assume they will always be there and always love you.but in order for that to happen you must invest yourself daily fresh and new and be spontaneous and loving even when you feel you cant... you must if you want it to work..sometimes people feel its easier to walk away from the pain of it rather than put in the work it takes daily to create unity and love...

Why do you think there are so many divorces because people always think the grass is greener somewhere else, but how could it be, because whatever relationship your in it will always take daily maintenance to keep it alive fresh and new no matter who your with you are the one that determines your destiny by the choices and words you use daily and how you make other people feel..Do you live your life tearing other people down because of your own insecurities or do you love yourself enough to lift others up as you deserve to be lifted up yourself to a higher level of Love and when you do make mistakes with your words be the first to apologize, and forgive and don't hold resentment for it will destroy you...Love with all your heart and soul and don't hold back your thoughts and feelings of Love one more single day, because after all we never know if we will get blessed enough to see one more hug the ones you love, and share sweet words of Love daily and stop killing and destroying with your tongue, and start lifting up and brighten peoples day ....LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE AND LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE DAILY....
peace and love always, Ursula

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