Saturday, August 27, 2011

No matter what happens to you walk in LOve Always

Good Morning Beautiful friends,
I'm so blessed and lucky to have this out lit of writing out my feelings and sharing them with the world it not only makes me feel better I pray its Impacting your life's as well in a positive way knowing that at anytime in our life things can change in a blink of an eye..Cancer is a Demon that can attack anyone at anytime, and it is one of the scariest things Ive seen ...I believed that as long as I ate great and exercised that I would be fine and that this would not happen to me nobody wants to ever here the words Cancer and yet its happening everyday to so many people...

I go into the cancer center and not everyone there has been blessed as I have been so many stories I hear everyday and so many prayers I say I take my time while I'm in treatment while I'm laying down to say so many prayers for all the hurting people. I caught mine so early and everything has went great for me and yet some people have to do chemo and Radiation and still are going to Die there is a man there that is touching my heart he comes in so positive everyday with a smile he has brain cancer and will Die even after treatments its just a matter of time and he has a wife and two small children and he still smiles yesterday he raised his hat and said its happening my hair is falling out and still smiled and laughed and joked with me....How do people get this kind of strength to keep on keeping on...It could only be from God..

So many people have no health problems at all and are far more negative and bitter in the world than I have seen at the Cancer center these people are fighting for there life and still smiling I'm amazed by this and I'm doing everything I can to keep a positive outlook on my life as well..I'm learning so much daily about the simple pleasures of life like having energy spending time with my kids, all the most important things in life are friends,family and Love unconditional Love..

I'm writing about this today because it not only helps me to keep it simple and real but I want you all to learn to slow down a little life goes by fast real fast and for some they don't get to choose when cancer takes over and I want you to forgive everyone set yourself free today and learn to laugh from the inside out daily, love unconditionally and hug longer and do not waist any energy being mad or yelling or spending time being negative ever again, and if you have to keep these cancer patients in your head than do whatever it takes to stay in Peace and love with all your heart and all your soul and keep spreading love and positive energy, and blessings will and do come your way the more you give the  more you receive and it becomes a ripple effect in every area in your life...Be a blessing and blessings do and will come and just as you feel like you can not do yet one more day this way you can and will and what I have found is because I am a positive light force daily the days I feel to weak to be. I stay still and quiet and pray and others continue to lift me up....Be blessed angels and yes you all are Angels you just get to act like one daily its a choice....
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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