Thursday, August 4, 2011


Good morning Beautiful Friends,
I'M so very Grateful today ... doing what I love, and Loving what I do...How many of us can say that we love what we do ?
I'm grateful that I can there were many years that I could of not said that...I choose to create a Life I love everyday and make my dreams a reality without being concerned about what anyone would think or feel about it....You get to only be concerned with whats right for you, and the peace is your guide...Do you wake up excited for yet another day doing what you Love, and sharing with the world? Or do you wake up with anger and frustration for yet another day you Hate?

I believe we all have the ability to live out are Dreams and discover our true passion it starts by allowing, being open to discover your gifts and talents....ARE you doing what you Love and following your dreams or are you just a follower doing whats expected of you because your fear takes over and your afraid to get out of your comfort zone?

How many of us live are life's for someone else only to feel frustrated, and angry because of it, when was the last time you did something for you.. Something new something fresh,something you have never done before? How would it be to live your life like it could be your last day with no Regrets only passion,  peace,  laughing, and loving your way through it...Boring people are Bored...

How your life is going right now and how you feel about yourself right now is a great way to evaluate if your living a life you love...and if your not how do you change it..You dig deep and start following the prince of Peace that lives inside of you, and remember the simple pleasures of life..Its not more money and material things of this world that will make you the happiest its...YOUR inner peace ..From fasting, praying, loving and sharing...That's what gets you through... the slow times are what feels your spirit up not the fast pace lifestyles... the slow peaceful praying times fills you up and in turn gives you your purpose and direction...My time for that is early in the morning when the house is quiet and peaceful that's my time to be still, and allow my cup to get full of Gods Grace and than share it with the world...

I want to encourage you today to find some quiet time through out the day, and allow yourself to be still.... no talking and close your eyes and allow Gods grace and peace to fill your spirit up and ask for your purpose and direction in this world and allow his will to take over your life and I promise if you do this.... YOU will live a life you love, and when you look and talk to people your eyes will sparkle with so much love, and acceptance, and than keep doing new fresh exciting things daily to light up your soul, and make you feel oh so amazing...Mine is peace and alone time in the morning to fill up my spirit with Love, and than off to my Home gym which makes my body feel amazing and keeps me in shape and than Beachbody business which I love to inspire myself and the world for great healthy fit lifestyles..So how could I be sad and than my amazing friends, and Family Blessed I am...Blessings and Love to all of you....
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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