Wednesday, September 1, 2010

put yourself on your to do list

Good Morning,
I'm up early drinking my coffee and writing my blog... before I take my two kids to school, and oldest son to court..Being a mom is the busiest full time job out there always something to do, and always someone to drive somewhere. Staying balanced is work doing all for your family and finding time for yourself can become very challenging days...But you must not forget about yourself whether your a mom or a dad you must still remember to put yourself on your to do list as well as your family.

I talk a lot about remembering to put yourself on your to do list, because I feel so many parents just do all for there kids, and nothing for themselves,Do you ever see the couple out there taking there kids everywhere, and you can just tell there miserable, and then they go eat out at the fast food place never talking only interacting with there kids, and before long your health goes, and so does your happiness. Make sure you remember that unless your taking great care of yourself that you cant be all to your kids, they need all of you.... healthy, and fit..Exercise Daily do something even if its walking up and down your stairs, get out some weights, and take your vitamins daily so important for are bones as we age, and eat amazing wonderful healthy fruits and veggies...By making these choices for yourself you can and will be a happier parent with more to give, don't neglect yourself...You also deserve the best, and don't short yourself by doing nothing good for yourself...It will give you more energy to keep going strong daily.

Set a routine that works best for you and stick to it...For me I'm a early morning person so after I have my coffee I'm ready to go downstairs to my home gym and sweat. Always make time for yourself "Selfish equals Self care" Learn how to get your sexy back as well just because your married forever like me does not mean that you need to be a frumpy mom or dad with sweats on all that is not sexy...your man or woman wants you to remain sexy that's what they fell in love with and that's why they married you. A good falsity is whatever it took to get your spouse or partner is what it will take to keep them, also give men a challenge and a hunt once inawile..Don't always be so predictable...BORING... when you start working out and taking care of yourself your sexy comes back....and then when your husband or wife comes home always look your best even if you have to change right before they come home and put some lipstick on Lady's, perfume, dress nice, fix your hair... make it so your spouse is excited to come home spice it up. Make great home cooked meals...The house always smells like home cooking.............mmmmmmmmmmm nice.

I feel these are a few secrets in my life that make me so happy because of these changes I'm happier, healthier, and so that makes a happy home life as well. these are easy changes you can do starting today to keep yourself fit, happy, and healthy, and sexy don't forget that important..If you don't stay sexy for your partner someone else would love to jump in and be So remember daily to do something wonderful for yourself and the ones you love, and make your life the greatest life ever...Its up to you.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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