Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Good Morning ,
Its still dark outside drinking my coffee.... kids getting ready for school and my daughter is so excited her contacts are in she is getting faster at putting them in. its been three days with them and she loves them its a whole new world. Driving home was great because she was describing everything she couldn't see before.

Do you ever stop and think about the simple joys in life... Like laughter, smiling and being happy just because for no reason other then your glad you can see, breath, walk, laugh,smile,run...all the things we tend to take for granted we should be celebrating daily...We really do need to wake up like a child daily and be so very thankful for everything ...not just when we think we are having a good day...or when we get to go shopping, even on the boring days we get to be grateful just because we are breathing and we are alive.

Ive been watching a lot of those survivor shows "MEN WOMAN WILD" To light a fire and eat out there is so hard and yet we complain about silly stuff who cares... relax and enjoy life and be peaceful on your journey, the more you celebrate the simple things in life that we all take for granted the more you realize , and know how blessed you really are focus only on gratitude, and start attracting what you want your life to look like.. follow your passion and talents, and soon all will be peaceful...We can make this world a better place it starts with you, and your attitude... so I invite you on my journey for a healthy, happy, positive life, and I'm getting fit along the way. I am doing what I Love daily with no regrets...Join me to make this world a better place one person at a time.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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