Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Celebrate Daily

Good Morning,
My oldest son turns sixteen tomorrow... wow how time flys..cant believe it happened so fast hes taller then I am and still crazy how fast my kids are growing up. I remember My Aunt telling me when her boys got taller then her she would make them sit down when she was talking to them so that she could still establish eye contact on the same level...Now I understand.

my middle son will be fourteen this month as well just does not seem possible two High School students next year. I must enjoy them while I still can so far they don't have serious girlfriends so they still stay home for now but one of these days they will be madly in love..who knows when that will happen " you know what they say boys are yours until they get married and Girls are yours forever so we shall see.

Life is a gift to cherish daily to Celebrate all you can and not waste one single moment waiting for someone or something else make you happy.. Happiness comes from within Being grateful for all, and being confident, and Celebrating as it could be your last day. Don't let someone Else's actions determine your happiness. You have the right to be happy every single day no matter what is going on around you... it starts with you.

Lately I have been having a lot of things happen to me that could make me sad or unhappy or even depressed many changes Ive had to make to better my life, and many things Ive had to change and some bad choices that I have made...I take everyone of the things that have happened to me as a life lesson. I learn from it and move on not wasting one more single day worrying about what I cant change. I only give my energy on myself daily and the one thing I know for sure is I have the ability within myself... to do better... know better and expect better...Its up to me and it always will be.

You have the power and strength daily to follow the right path for your life making the right decisions daily for your life, and people will treat you the way that you allow them to treat you. You get to set healthy boundaries for your life daily, and make healthy decisions for your your life daily. We only get one life to live, and we have the power to make a huge difference, don't ever think that you cant make a difference in peoples life's because you can and you will.

Make ever day memorable, and bright... be the light in this dark world and celebrate your gifts and talents that God has given you daily. Tonight I'm going to a KISS Cancer away event just to network and meet survivor's ...They are the hero's, and survivor's and have a lot to teach me I'm sure..Surviving Cancer is Huge and what a gift and A Light they will be for me tonight..I'm going with an open heart ready to receive all the lessons I can.

Please hug your spouse and kids today and tell them how much you Love them...don't just assume they know you must say it and show it. Remember actions speak louder than words..and words touch your soul and heart forever.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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