Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Hump day

Good Morning.
Happy Hump Day. This morning I'm taking my oldest son to court he got into some trouble, and now he must face the Judge...I pray that this will be a life lesson that he will not want to go through again, and it will teach him not to hang out with kids that will lead him astray, and even though he was just with the friend that did it, he still gets in trouble, so that is my prayer, that he will learn his lesson and we can all move on, and he can make positive healthy choices for himself in the future.

Its going to be another Beautiful day today. Might have to walk, or jog along the river after court, or do something fun in the sun. When we continue to look at the bright side of life even when we are going through trials and tribulations, the troubles don't seem to appear as bad or stay that long.

We will all have situations in our life that happen that we do not have control of, but if we learn to take are alone time pray and seek guidance, we will have the strenght and the courage to move forward. We never know what is going to happen from day to day, we just get to go with the flow of life seeking and searching to be the best that we can be living, loving and nurturing, ourselves and are relationships daily, and not being judgemental of people or situations that happen.

When we practice walking in love despite the situations that we cant change you begin to get a hole new outlook on life teaching and learning to Love even though. My son knows that no matter what I will always Love him forever, and that's the way we need to treat each other forever and always, and we can make this world a better place. Ask and you shall receive..knock and it shall be and you shall find....Celebrate daily the beautiful miracles all around, and allow yourself to have Peace that surpasses all matter what.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this! I had to make a tough call in regards to my son as well. I asked him to leave our home. But it was for the best. He still will always be my son and I his Mom. You'll see, your son will learn from it and won't ever forget that you're his Mom and that you love him, like you said!
