Thursday, June 24, 2010

Life is Fantastic

Good Morning,
Life Is Fantastic and Beautiful...It makes me smile when I think about all the blessing all around me, Flowers in the garden, my wonderful herb Garden, raspberry Bushes full of raspberries, rhubarb, onions, roses all around, and just green grass all around this is my favorite time of year everything looks so beautiful...How could you not be happy seeing all this Beautiful Nature all around us.

Celebrate the simple things in life,that we just all expect to be there every year, Learn to slow down and smell the roses, life is Beautiful, and wonderful, and exciting, we must learn to take a deep breath and meditate every morning celebrating all we can, and focusing on the Beauty that is already there.

As we learn to do this daily there is nothing that can get you down, and negative because what happens is whatever you focus on you create in your life...You get to attract situations and the right attitude, and people in your life...It all starts with you you reflect energy out in the Universe and the same kind of energy comes back to you...So what are you projecting out in the Universe?

I encourage us all to live the best most positive happy healthy, beautiful life that we can create for ourselves. Life is magical and fantastic, and the more you say and do this the better life becomes, and before you know it instead of yelling at your kids the little things just don't seem to bother you as much, and you begin to become child like again, and fill full of peace and happiness, and your the one that is turning up the music and dancing, and people will wonder what kind of drug your on, so that they can have it for themselves. Its funny whenever my friends and I meet for coffee the people that are there say" I want whats in there coffee because they are having so much fun".

There is no pill or drug or anything a Doctor can give you to make you feel good or happy... it starts with living and Loving God, And yourself in a well balanced way, and projecting that out into the world and letting your light shine bright for all to see. I encourage myself, and you today that no matter what happens in life, that we can be happy and live the most Fantastic life ever doing what we Love daily...We have to create it for ourselves, and it is easy to do you must allow life to flow and be spontaneous, Healthy, and Happy no matter what...It is as simple as a Daily Choice. What choice will you choose? Positive or Negative ? I choose Positive today, and forever. Have a blessed day today and remember its a daily Choice.

Peace and love Always, Ursula

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