Wednesday, June 16, 2010

middle of the week

Good Morning,
Today is the middle of the week already one of my favorite days its get up early workout, take shower, get ready, and head to one of my favorite places the local Farmers Market they have everything healthy and wonderful for your body, so with that available every week...Why would I want to go to McDonald's or anywhere else, although it is nice to eat out once in awhile I just find it a lot healthier, and more affordable to cook for myself and my family, and that way I know exactly what I'm putting in my body.

You must be very careful what you are eating if your trying to get in shape you cant workout and then eat junk it doesn't work that way, unfortunately...In order to get the body you dream about, sexy arms, sexy abs, sexy butt, and legs... it takes a lot of work and discipline, and you must do different exercises all the time to trick your muscles into shape, I find the older I get the harder I must do this and do a lot of fast Burst exercises. Also another tip I always use when cooking for my family at dinner time is take a salad plate instead of a huge plate, and fill up the small salad plate instead of using the huge plates, smaller portions is the key...we don't need huge portions....small little meals all day...and when you go to a restaurant take half home.

It is attainable, and we all can do it and I want it bad so I am committed to do whatever it takes to make it happen for myself daily, until I get my morning workout done nothing else matters , because we have got to take care of this body that was given to us not just for vanity issues, but because we deserve to be healthy and fit and feel good everyday...Magic happens when you eat good and take your vitamins, and exercise you start to feel amazing and look amazing, and then people will start noticing and want to no your secret ...Fountain of Youth Secret that's what I say it is.

Live this life not only being a good person, and being positive and happy everyday but being healthy and fit and fabulous as well...WE can all do this it is attainable and can be done. Trust me Ive lived both ways not working out and working out, and its a whole lot easier taking great care of yourself than not....You can do it and I ENCOURAGE YOU TO WORKOUT EVERYDAY DOING SOMETHING ANYTHING JUST STAY MOVING. Stay healthy and fit and see how you will feel and when the pounds start coming off how excited you will be. now that Ive shared all of this I must go to my gym now, and practice what I preach.

Peace and Love always, Ursula

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