Wednesday, June 9, 2010

your purpose and passion

Good Morning,
Each day I never know what I'm going to write about... I just let it come out as I start to Type, and I trust that God is working through me to talk about whats going on with me, or Encouraging all of you to Live your life purpose, and follow the lead of your God.

I never dreamed that I would ever be a Blogger, but I actually enjoy it, and it is like Journaling, but only your telling who ever wants to read it. You never no if what you write will help a person, or touch someones Life, so I always want it to be uplifting, and healing for your Mind, Body, soul, and Spirit.

I follow my heart and passion Daily and allow God to guide and lead me in the right direction following the path that he has designed for me to follow, and when I don't take the time with him... I know it right away,because I begin to loose my Peace, and Love for Life.

No matter where you are in life its never to late to find that... Peace that surpasses all understanding, The kind That only God can give you. We can wake up everyday and create the best most Wonderful Life...And yes people will wonder what kind of Drugs your on because your always Happy and Positive, and that is from following your life purpose and Direction.

Have you ever had a job that you hated but stayed because you needed the money, and new it was not suppose to be were you were working, but scared to make the change until you didn't have a choice, and got fired , and then all of a sudden your at home staring at four walls saying"Now what God" And you are forced to surrender, and ask for help...That's what I'm talking about, and then you start to cry and ask for help and he is always there leading and guiding you to the place that you were suppose to be after all.

I finally surrendered In my life and all though its not always easy working at Home and putting my family first it is what I'm suppose to do now in my life, It may not always be my life purpose But for now it is ,and I have two great companies, I market, and Advertise for, it is time consuming but I do it from the comfort of my Home with No Boss , and work my own hours, and when I get tired of it and need face to face social time I call my girlfriends,and we have a girl day that is always the greatest.

Learning what your purpose in this life is... so important, and taking time for yourself, and making sure you always put yourself at the top of your to do can wake up everyday not dreading your life but celebrating yourself, family, friends and the life that you get to create for yourself. when you have a bad or lonely Day write in a gratitude Journal and write about all the positive you have in your life, and how blessed you truly are....It works every time I promise...Do not isolate yourself make sure you spend quality time with like minded people that make you feel better just by being with them...If you don't feel better than you did before you were with them then maybe they are not a match for you..Find people that have the same interests, and Goals to help lift your spirit, find people you can Laugh with, and be free to be you with. Make today the greatest Day ever.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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