Friday, June 4, 2010


Good Morning,
This week has been an incredible breakthrough week for me. I have been allowing myself to feel emotions that I have had stuffed down in my heart for a long time, putting on a happy face, and acting like everything is wonderful, so this week I have been writing a lot about Love, and quiet time and Peacefulness. So I decided since this is a quit raining nothing to do outside week, what if I allowed myself to hear that voice inside myself.

So much has came out for me this week I realized yesterday that I have been keeping myself so busy that I have not been practicing everything I talk about. staying busy, rushing from situation to situation not allowing what I deserve to prosper in my life and making bad life changing choices for myself.

Something happens when you allow yourself to check out of life for awhile to discover, are you really loving yourself like you think you are? are you really living your life purpose and Passion ? are you making responsible choices for yourself and your family?

You Know I thought I was but I had allowed certain distractions to come into my life that took away from my goals and Passion for life. WE will have many distraction that are not the best choices for our self we have to learn to desifer the good from the bad. Don't let any other person determine your purpose, and destiny.

Just because your married, and have kids does not mean that you have to change your whole life for them and loose yourself in the process ...Hold on to what is in your heart, and hold on to what you Love, and if your not sure what you love or what your purpose is than Like me start Journeying, write down the simple things you love get back to the child like spirit you had when you were a child before life started Lifing and you built up so many walls.

Discover how to laugh and play again... before you made life so hard, that is what I have dedicated this week to do before my kids are done with school and I have to say I had a huge painful breakthrough yesterday, and Today I know that by allowing my purpose, and discovering new a excited possibilities to enter my life and allowing the walls to fall... that this is the new beginning that I have been longing for to happen.

Life is what we make it and we only have one life to live... so make it a great exciting fulfilling. passionate Life, a life that makes you smile,no one else can create that for you , You have to do it for yourself and when you allow yourself to follow the peace that is in your heart everything will fall into place for yourself and you will have the life of LOVE that you want and deserve and nobody will be able to take that from you.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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