Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Get Healthy and Fit

Good Morning,
Tuesday is here already seems like the week is going fast, yesterday it was cleaning the house, and having company over for the puppies, and today we may go out and enjoy the sun, Brooke had a friend stay the night, so they will sleep in. I still like to get up early and enjoy the peace and quiet.

I made a new commitment to eat healthier, and workout more, and get my body in the best shape possible, I guess because I'm turning forty one this month...I want to defy my age as long as I can, and when you eat healthy and workout, you never feel as old as you are...So that is my goal pump up the weight training...and No excuses. I have a gym so there is no excuse not to be in great shape...Plus its swimming, and boating season.

The farmers Market is now open so I plan on going there at least a couple times a week and getting healthy fruits, and veggies, and eating as much raw foods as possible... I can do it. Hiking up mountains, and walking, and running next to the River as much as possible, and walking up my 17 percent grade hill...I plan on mixing it up this Summer so that I don't get bored working out, and including my kids as much as possible.

WE only get this one life so why would we want to waist it with bad choices for our self...I don't no about you but when I eat healthy, and workout I have energy through the roof like when I was twenty, and your happier, and your self esteem is better it just is a better life all together.

Make positive healthy choices for yourself, and your family today ...You deserve to be in the best health, and shape of your life...Lets try and get sexy arms, and sexy abs, and get in the best shape of your life lets motivate, and help each other, Please comment if you got any great Ideas that we can share together.

Peace, and Love, Always, Ursula

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