Monday, June 7, 2010


Good Morning,
UP early today couldn't sleep thinking about all that I want to get done while I'm by myself this week. starting next week my three Teenagers will be on there Summer Break, so you know what that means. Lots of Activities to plan to keep them busy and out of trouble, and lots of meal preparation daily.

They all know how to cook fairly well but prefer Mom to do most of it so I have decided to make a list for them to do daily, and we will all share the responsibilities like we do every Summer. My kids are growing so fast it still amazes me everyday that I have three teenagers...What was I thinking.

At least I will get it all over with at once, and them maybe I will still be young enough when they are all gone..that is if they can ever afford to move out, to travel and do some things for myself.
I do love being a mom and would not change it for anything, I just get to be real creative, and make it the best Summer ever. Set your expectations high for your kids.

Life is what you make it so make your life the greatest most rewarding life ever. Love God,and put him first, love yourself, family, and friends.... stay happy and well balanced and remember even though your kids are all home for the Summer... you must take the time to Nourish your soul and have a grateful heart...Be a good role model, because your kids will follow your lead whether you think they are or not they are wanting your guidance. Make everyday day as Peaceful as possible, and when you have bad days...Don't waste energy on thinking about it just move on tomorrow is a new day...Celebrate everyday to the fullest...Laughing, Loving, Staying in Peace, and I promise you... you will have the Greatest Summer ever...I am the luckiest mom in the world to share Summers with my Kids.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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