Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fitness Quest

Good Morning,
Happy Tuesday the sun is coming out... lets see if it stays. I love early mornings when everyone is sleeping, and birds are singing it is so peaceful, sitting on the patio in my nightgown drinking coffee, and enjoying the beautiful roses all around my back yard, and talking to my wonderful friends, as if your right here with me.

Life is so full of blessings and gifts all around us we have so much to be grateful, and thankful for. miracles all around. If you take the time for silence, and slow down just a little bit, and start to see the beauty all around, and be grateful for everything then life just seems to get easier and better naturally.

This summer so far the kids and I haven't done a whole lot yet, but I can truly say that just being with them daily, has blessed my heart... they are all different and unique, and I Celebrate each one of there personalities, and it just works, and I'm so grateful everyday for having one more day with them.

I have dedicated my life to being the best mom I can be, and that's why now I'm on this fitness Quest to get in the best shape of my life, because sometimes moms get so busy with there kids that they forget about themselves...Which I have done, and then one day you look in the mirror and wonder... who that big person is staring back at you. Moms and Dads I can not stress this enough...YOU MUST Take Care Of yourself in order to be the best that you can be. Your kids deserve to have healthy fit parents. How can you give to them what they need if you have no energy, and don't feel good, and your kids must be fit as well.

When I take my hour down in my home Gym my kids are still sleeping most of the time, and It makes me feel amazing, and gives me the strength, and energy to get through the rest of the Day...You must figure out what works best for you whether Home gym, like I got, or Go to a gym..We all have to Exercise if we want to keep are looks, and Health there is no way around it, so you might as well surrender, and make it a life style change starting today. Muscle burns Fat Plus its a whole lot sexier than Fat. I have these wonderful bars I eat before I workout.. that turn Fat into Fuel, and of course healthy green drinks full of fruits, and veggies in the blender.

Tomorrow I am turning forty one, and I intend to be one of the healthiest fit fabulous feel good woman in there forty's out there... age is just a number Defy it, and put amazing organic wonderful fruits, and veggies in your body daily. When I wake up.. I have no pain or aches I feel young and youthful daily, and sometimes I act like my teens dancing around and acting crazy...fun crazy...I'm the cool mom as my daughter says...Be spontaneous, Laugh ...Live...Create healthy situations for yourself You can start today. I promise if you make these changes today... you will Defy your age too, And feel great doing it. Nobody wants to spend there life getting on prescription drugs and feeling sick if they don't have to. we have the power to stay healthy, and fit its up to us individually, and no one can make you do it, it has to be your choice for your life, I hope you will join me today on this exciting Journey of Fitness, and health and wellness. Do it for yourself and don't let anyone Else's bad choices stop you from having it all. get the book Suzanne Somers BREAKTHROUGH ...It will change your Life.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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