Thursday, June 3, 2010


Good Morning,
Thursday is already here can you believe how fast the weeks go by. Everyday I think Ive got the whole day to get so many things done, and most days I do but right now I have three baby Chihuahuas that I'm feeding and potty training... they are three weeks so I have another three weeks to go before they will be sold.

That is a big job taking care of three puppy's, and making sure they go on a potty pad instead of your nice carpets. Soon the rain will stop, and I will be able to take them outside more. They are very adorable, and loving just lots of extra things to add to my daily list.

The way I look at it is If I get to workout, and take a shower daily... then life is great, and then everything else just seems to fall in place, Work , cleaning, taxi service for my kids, bookkeeper, cook, gardener, and on and on.

Do you realize how many Hats that we fill everyday being a Mom we are such great multi taskers, and I don't even think we realize how much we get done in a day, because we are so use to just making it happen, and keeping the family running smoothly. It makes me tired thinking about all the hats I fill on a daily basis.

So you can now see why it is so important for us moms to take care of ourselves, and take are quiet time first thing in the morning, and have are exercise time, and then once are cup is full then and only then can we do what we need to do. You cant have a empty cup and expect for it to fill you up.

Moms never think its selfish to lock yourself in the bathroom or bedroom for awhile when you feel overwhelmed or feel you've reached your limit..Its better to put yourself in a time out then to yell at the kids or do something you may regrets...SELFISH EQUALS SELF CARE...

TAKE many deep breaths daily and focus on filling your cup and soul up , and then focus on Gratitude, and peace, and Love and trust me Lady's you will be able to have the strength to move Mountains and anything that comes your way you will be able to handle...Please don't forget to put yourself at the top of your to do list.

You are most important... if mom is not running the house the house will fall or any stay at home dads this is for you too. Being a full time at home parent is the hardest and most rewarding job in the World, and you don't get the credit or money you deserve..So you must reward yourself as much as possible. I'm taking a girl day today to do what I love, and then when I come home I will be refreshed and ready to do it all again.

Peace , and Love Always, Ursula

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