Friday, July 30, 2010

Be a Lion with Courage

Good Morning,
Do you sit around wishing hoping Dreaming longing for someone or something you think you must have or you will die? Do you spend your life wishing, hoping, dreaming..About things you long for in your life, and you think that by doing that everything that life will be better if only I have that person or that thing I think I want, or that trip I must go on.

How many times in your life do you waste missed opportunities by not reaching out.. scared of rejection or worried about how they will react to find out you like them, or a situation that arises that was perfect but you were to scared to take action and make it happen for yourself. Do you waste your life thinking so much about the things you think you cant have.. because your so worried about rejection , and hurt feeling , disappointment. Do you live your life like a coward or a Big strong Lion that has courage and strength to do all... no matter what and doesn't worry about what anyone else will say or do.

How many years are you going to waste your life sitting on the sidelines and wishing, hoping, and dreaming. Life is about taking risks, and striving for your goals and the perfect Life for you. My oldest son and I talk, and I ask him why don't you ask that girl you like out and hes says, because he is to afraid of rejection so therefore he goes through High School waiting for a girl to ask him because hes to afraid of rejection. how many times have you done this in your life to fearful to go after what you want in life ?

I'm here to tell you ...there will be many disappointments in life girls will break up with you, boys leave you, job losses, changes all the time it will always be something trying to kick you down, are you going to continue to let life, and situations kick you down or are you going to be a roaring Lion... Taking every situation with courage, and strength, and not worrying about rejection....we must continue to move forward on our journey never being afraid of change, and risk taking. I don't know about you but I'm done with worrying about what people think of me I'm living my life to the fullest, and could care less who doesn't like it. Follow your dreams and wishes but make them happen don't just sit around dreaming make them a reality. Always learn from the situations that kick you down and grow and be better because of it...Learn your life lessons and then keep moving forward.

WE get to walk through this sometimes scary world making choices for our self daily that will benefit us in all areas, and never be to scared to make them happened, and when you get kicked down pick yourself up, and keep moving forward keep striving for everything you want in your life, write everything you want in life down on a piece of paper, and put the action steps in place to make them come true for you today and always. Dream Big and always remember before you leave your house.... you are a Lion and not timid, and you can and will do all with strength and courage, and taking healthy risks today and always. There is no Mountain to high for you to climb and no obstacle that is to big to overcome..So make it happen today to enjoy your life and have what you say you want daily.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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