Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Good Morning,
Another Day to be grateful, and thankful for. We get to be grateful for all of are blessings daily. Celebrate your Life and Live your Life to the Fullest every single Day, Do not waste anytime or thought on the Negative... Choose to focus on your blessings rather than Negative thoughts or feels.

I could have a big pity party for myself today knowing that I have to take my son back to court this morning yet again..But no I'm not going to do that, and he burned his face last night in the fire pit, he through a lighter in it, and it blew up in his face, another Life lesson..He has to learn the hard way evidently.

Choose despite everything that is going on around you to always look at the bright side of Life, I know its hard with everything that is going on around you..Trust me I am so busy everyday keeping this family Feed, active, cleaning, laundry, and on and on, but it does no good to be cranky or negative, everything runs smoother when you learn to take time for yourself and allow yourself to walk in Love, and be at peace... no matter what someone else does. Don't let someone Else's thoughts of feeling affect how you choose to live your life. You are in control of your own thoughts and feeling and nobody can tell you what will make you happy, or how to run your life... you get to look deep inside yourself and discover your passion, and gifts and talents.

When your life seems like its getting out of control, because of your busy schedule, teens, Life is Lifing...Slow down take a deep breath pray, and ask for guidance and strength..Its OK to take a day off from your responsibilities, and reflect on yourself , regroup, and ground yourself. You cant do that if your always busy rushing from thing, and situation. Learn to wake up before the kids get up and spend alone time with yourself, write a gratitude journal, and start the day just only thinking about positive in your life, ignore negative thoughts or feelings they are just a waste of energy, and do what nourishes your soul...Some of you may not even no what that is to spend quality time by yourself, so if you never do that... I invite you to start, and see how relaxed you will feel.

Then you must exercise daily do something anything is better than nothing run, walk take kids to the park, and walk to the river, hike, do something. when you do that everyday that also has a correlation on your thoughts and how you feel, and it will give you the energy you need for the day. Allow your kids to come to you and talk about anything... no matter what, you want to be the one they come to... make it a safe loving place for that. they cant come to you if your always mad.

And then remember to take vitamins daily, and eat your fruits and veggies daily..That also determines how you feel, so you see the power to live a positive healthy wonderful happy Lifestyle is up to you daily. You get to be the leader of your destiny, and do you want to be remembered as the mean evil person that everyone hates, or the Happy energetic wonderful loving person, healthy positive person...Its your choice how are you going to choose to live your life today, and always ..I intend to live my Life Happy and Positive, and not let anyone steal my Joy, and Passion for Life, and I believe I feel younger everyday because of it. I don't choose to have stress in my Life, Stress will kill you.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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