Friday, July 23, 2010

Positive or Negative you choose

Good Morning,
Do you ever sit around and wonder why are other people Happy, and why do they have the life that I want but cant seem to find?
Do you ever make promises to yourself to live better, and do more and be better?
Do you ever say things like I'm not Lucky, I'm not worthy to have all that I want?
Do you ever just start your day wondering why bad things keep happening to you?
Do you ever sit in your room crying and feeling sorry for yourself, because you lost a job or that life is just Lifing?
Do you ever wonder why good things just don't happen to you, they only happen to other people?

If you do this and say these things because we have all been there in one time in our life going through difficult times.......STOP IT !

You have the power, strength, and Courage that God can and will give you today to retrain your thoughts, feelings, and Actions.
It starts early in the morning when you first wake up, thinking these thoughts, saying these thoughts out loud, what your doing when you continue saying these negative thoughts, and feelings is you create more negative thoughts and feelings, and actions to your life. you attract more and get the same results.

What we say, think and do is what we create in are everyday life and situations.
I want to invite myself, and you today to retrain your Mind Body, and spirit. To Aline in a Positive powerful way no matter what is going on in your life... you get to create your wonderful life and it all starts with you.
Wake up every morning with a grateful heart stop focusing on the past, and negative thoughts, the devil would love for you to stay there, and get depressed and do nothing with your life. But God whats all for You everything can and will be yours if you " Ask, seek, and Receive"

Start your morning only thinking about the good in your life, and attracting more of the good thoughts, and actions in your life. No matter how you were raised, who hurt you, You have the power to make this healthy , Positive change for yourself.

I could wake up everyday feeling sorry for myself, because my husband works so much, and I'm always alone with the kids doing all.

No I don't do that there were years that I did and felt sorry for myself, and had pity parties because of things that were happening to me, but it wasted a lot of time, and energy and got me no where, and was not healthy for me or the family, so I say to you stop focusing on the things you cannot change, and focus your energy on the good, and the things that you can change and do to live a healthy, Happy Beautiful Life, and its never to late to create the life that you want and deserve. If your searching for the perfect soul mate for you... they are out there for you and will be there at Gods timing not yours, so you get to do the work on yourself to start loving yourself, in a healthy well balanced way, and be content being by yourself and whole until that time comes.

When your looking for a relationship my advice is to be whole yourself, and confident, powerful, loving , and Courageous, and Integrity...
that is what is attractive.

So today and for the rest of your life you get to focus on the positive, not the negative, and except the things you cannot change about yourself and other people, and do everything to change the things about yourself that you can to be whole, healthy, and positive, and always have a grateful heart, and I promise you your life will be changed today and forever, and you will have the life you've always dreamed about but thought wasn't possible. Go in love and peace everywhere you go and continue to let your light shine bright for the world to see, and you will see miracles start to happen today, and forever, and touch the hearts, and souls of others just by the sparkle in your eyes, and the smile on your face.

Peace,and Love Always, Ursula

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