Saturday, July 17, 2010

Being a Spouse and a Parent

Good Morning,
Do you ever wake up and say to yourself"Another day what shall I do" Feeling like you keep doing the same thing and getting the same results. Being a Mom and dad is one of the hardest and can feel like the most unrecognizable, unrewarding, and unappreciative Jobs out there, and some days I feel like wow am I really making a difference just by being at home and spreading Joy and Love.

Some days you question whether or not your making the right decision to continue to give all to your family. You do what you do over and over again and again, and we all have different outlets and ways of copping with are current situation, we search for things that are going to make us happy as well. For me I'm always doing so much for my family on a daily basis that to have any alone time I can find is essential for my well being.

When you focus on the day to day activities and responsibilities its hard to know what the future holds for us or our children, all we can do is do the best that we can do daily, and when you feel like your in a rut take a walk call a friend, find some outlet that makes you happy, and remember why your doing what your doing daily to take care of your family even through the hard times and even through the times that you feel you just want someone to take care of you for a change.

Being a parent and having a lot of responsibilities is never easy, but its just like anything in life its what you do and your attitude that will give you the strength to keep on keeping on, even when you do the same thing day after day feeling like what about me..You have to create your alone personal time for yourself to get what you need in order to keep on doing for others.

Being a parent is hard at times but remember why you do what you do for you family..You do the things you do daily because you love them even when it gets boring, you don't feel like it today, and you feel like you do way to much. I have days that I don't feel like cooking we all do, or cleaning, on those days take a break if you need to make it simple you cant be superwoman all the time, or Superman... Allow yourself to take a break when you need to and don't beat yourself up when you need a break.

Summer time it seems it never stops always so much to do and going on. Take a deep breath workout in the Morning, eat Healthy, and get through the days with your kids the best you can. Nobody warns you before you get married that it will be hard and challenging, and that you will be the maid, the cook, the bookkeeper, the Nurse, the counselor,the gardener,the provider, the taxi, the lover, the friend, and on and on and it never stops all day long. You have to wear all theses hats and then find a way to enjoy being and doing all these things. If I would of known all this is what I would have to do to have a family...I would of Ran when My husband asked me to marry him..LOL

Anyways when your married and have a family you find away to make it all work, and you find away to stay positive while your doing it, and somehow someway you keep doing what you do for your family day by day, and it all gets done, and it all works out, and you hope and pray that they will be 18 soon and off to College...And then because you are use to being so busy, you go through the empty nest syndrome...So no matter were we are in life just enjoy your day to day life and Celebrate the good with the Bad, and make it better as you Go. Trust that what your doing day by day is making and molding your children into being great people that will do good in the world, and make there life great. You will be alone one day and miss those busy times so enjoy where you are in your life right now.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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