Monday, July 12, 2010


Good Morning,
Woke up early on this Monday morning, kids are still sleeping, and its really windy here today so I can here the wind chimes... which I love the sound. I'm still getting everything ready for the yard sale we will have it soon, feels good when you get rid of stuff that your not using and make room for only the stuff you need its so very important to declutter your house at least once a year it makes you feel better, and is also easier to keep clean when everything has a place.

So now Brian has his little work car paid for, and its great on gas.. so perfect just for going back and forth to work, puppies did not sell yesterday so I still have a puppy daycare...That I must sell soon because my kids are falling in love with them.

Working on this week finding time for myself.. I guess I didn't realize how busy it is with three teens at home to find my alone adult time, seems the only time I really have is early mornings, and some afternoons when they swim there is always something going on with them, meals, friends, activities, court, and so many things all the time...I'm working on finding more time for my Business this week as well it feels some days there is not enough hours to do all that I would love to do.

Summer is full of Boating, camping, fishing, Yard sales, traveling, Swimming, rafting and so much more to keep the kids busy and going strong. so everyday I pray for Energy and stamina to keep on going and living life to its Fullest..Loving every single day, and creating wonderful memories along the way enjoying the good with the Bad and doing everything I can do to stay healthy and positive along the way.

Some days we just hang out and just, be... learning to do what nourishes are soul along the way..make sure you focus on loving yourself and loving others and being the best you can be sharing your gifts and talents with the world...treat people the way that you want to be treated. Celebrate life to the fullest,and enjoy the ride.

Peace and love always, Ursula

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