Monday, July 26, 2010

Embrace your Life

Good morning,
Do you ever wake up and just count your blessing, and thank God for who you've become, and who he is allowing you to be through him. So many people just worry , and focus on the wrong things instead of just being so very grateful for what they already have, and get to do.

Learn to wake up listening to the sounds of nature, spending your along time with God, and Loving your life just as it is, and always striving to do more, and be more and have more abundance, Joy, and Peace...WE only get one Life how are you going to make yours better today?
How are you going to brighten this world today?
How are you going to make a difference?

Instead of worrying about what you don't have and focusing on the things you cant change why not focus on the things, and gifts you already have, and are already doing, learning too Love yourself, and Love others the way that God does.. will change your life. Don't waste one single moment of being Jealous of someone Else's life or the life you wish you had. No we all have a different purpose, and direction...Learn what your Purpose, and Life mission is ,and embrace the things you cant change and do more, and live better, make great memories everyday with your family, and friends..Loving, living, and Laughing like a child at Christmas..Why not live well, abundant, Joyful Life's.

I have learned a lot being home with my kids just to slow down, and appreciate all... with a grateful Heart, and I thank God that I am able to spend every single day with my Kids loving them , and spending quality time with them and sharing it with there friends as well. it doesn't take a lot to make kids happy what they need more then material things is you, and your time. Make time for yourself, and make time for them daily, and see if that lifts your spirit higher. It does mine they are my heart and Soul, and gifts from God.

Please don't waste one single second or day worrying about anything embrace this life the good with the bad and make it better just by being you, and always walk in Love,and share your gifts and talents with the world...Make it great... and full of blessings, and abundance to you all.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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