Thursday, July 8, 2010

Daily Plan Of Action

Good Morning,
Summer is finally here the whole month of June was cold, and rainy so it didn't feel like Summer, but now that we are back from are Vacation it is Hot 95 degrees, and dry and 100 degrees this weekend. I'm finally having to use my air conditioner. Kennewick Washington where I live is considered the dessert, because are Summers can get really hot Like in the 100s for Days without a break.

I love it because it means the river has a chance to warm up, and we can plan more rafting days, and Boating, and camping trips by the water, so It finally does feel like Summer. The kids swim everyday in the Summer when its Hot like this, and they start to get really dark and get guns as I call it from swimming so much, people are amazed at how skinny my kids are and how much they eat. They burn it off faster then they can store it, and so that makes them hungry so they eat all day...How nice I remember the Teen years I was a stick and could eat anything I wanted , but you have to remember how active teens, and kids are they never stop.

So for us adults its harder to lose weight unless we are burning more calories then we are consuming.WE must eat are fruits , and veggies everyday and get rid of the junk food and sometimes that's hard to do especially when your traveling... so that's were meal planning for us is so important, and smaller portions, I no for me since I turned forty its harder for me to lose, so I must workout and eat right or I'm doomed. and even then I slip up and eat the wrong foods once in awhile so I'm still not at my ideal weight, but I will be there soon, I'm not ever giving up.

Set a plan of action for yourself whether it be a Business plan , a weight loss plan, workout plan whatever it is you want, and write out how you are going to do it everyday. write out the steps you need to do daily in order to achieve what it is you say you want,and then follow that plan daily, and take the action steps to create it for yourself daily, and watch what a difference it makes when your following your goals and plans for the day.

You must take time for yourself to do this. You deserve to have everything you want in life happy healthy, and your own Business if that's what you want. We get to create the Life that works best for our self, and our family. It does take work and a lot of sweat, and tears.. are we worth it?
You get to decide to either keep talking about what you want or taking the steps to get what you want and attracting it to your Life daily. I don't know about you but I only get this one life, and I attend to Live everyday achieving all my goals, and attracting, Abundance in all areas daily, and putting myself first on my to do list in the morning, and sweating this fat off. Whatever it takes never give up on yourself its never to late. I promise if you write it all out in a journal, and then do it daily watch and see how it all works out. You deserve to be your best daily, and live a healthy positive wonderful life, but you must create it , No more just talking about it... do it Now today, If I can do it so can you. Please feel free to comment or send me something I you would like guidance in this or a partner to get started, support systems are great.

Peace, and Love Always Ursula

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