Thursday, July 22, 2010

Healthy Fit Life

Good morning,
Never give up on being and doing what you want to do its never to late for anything, you can make wonderful things happen at anytime, whenever you want. Like right now I'm home all the time with my kids, and as much as I love it. I still Dream Big and want more. I know there is so much I will do in this Life so many Passions, and Desires in my Heart to Follow. So while I'm here now I get to dream about all those wonderful things I want and do, and enjoy where I am Right now. Knowing that if I want to travel and do all the things I think about.. I can and I will when the time is right.

Make everyday a day to dream, Fantasize, and explore different possibilities in your mind of what you want, and want to create for yourself, and never give up on your passion or dreams, even if they just have to be on hold for awhile while your raising your kids. You get to create your wonderful life every single day...and Believe that whatever you want and hope to achieve is on its way. right now your not wasting your time your molding your children's life's for the future, and they need you as hard as that is some days. Some days I just want to run away and never come back, on the hard long days, but you cant run from your children or life's trials you must stay and deal with them, and get your alone time, that is so important. I fight for mine, and lock my self in my room sometimes, whatever you have to do to survive do

I am working on myself right now..Learning to increase my weight training so that I can create the body I want, and deserve to have..take pictures of yourself to see if your happy with the way you look, and if your not..then take action to create the muscle and definition you for me that's what I am doing, I cant take off and travel all around the world like I would love to do, and leave my family, so I'm focusing on the things that I can do right now..Like wake up early when the kids are still asleep and write my some Business stuff and then take my time everyday to go to my gym, and sweat and build muscle and lose Fat. don't worry about the things you cant do right now, or that you long for. Just focus on what you can do like taking great care of your Health, so that when your kids are gone, and you can do all your Hopes and dreams you will still be strong and healthy enough to do them.

Love Big, live Big and enjoy where you are every single day even on the hard days, and Hot days. That is my Goal to be content where I am in my life right now... not wasted time thinking about if I had this, or if I did that I will be happy . No... happiness you get to create everyday inside yourself. Learning to nourish your Mind, Body, and Soul Daily. Do not expect someone else to make you happy, and then get disappointed when they don't meet all of your needs... they cant, only you can do that for yourself. You get to meet your own needs, and wants daily, and it all starts by looking deep within your soul, and creating what you want daily, and loving yourself enough to realizing your worthy of being the best that you can be. It will be hard, and it may be painful, but the end result will be worth it, and you deserve to take great care of yourself first, and put yourself at the top of your to do list, and then and only then can you be a whole person, that can do all for your family and friends. Don't just say what you are going to do.. do it now start today you deserve to be fit and Fabulous, and so do I.

So my weight training is increasing, and I will endure all the pain to get the results and the body I want and deserve to get. Make a choice for yourself today that your never to busy for yourself, and its never to late to create what you want. I get to live in abundance in all areas of my life creating the life of my dreams even when I'm home with my kids on a daily basis, doing what I do, because I'm worth it, and I deserve to live a long healthy vital life, and so do you. Go Create it today for yourself.

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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