Thursday, July 30, 2009


  • Good morning, Well you all know how I love Thursdays, If you have been following my Blogs. I have been out watering my backyard this morning with a hose, because they turned the Irrigation water off in Kennewick, because there was a huge break in one on the main irrigation lines. I was watching the news last night, and they said "There was a second break in the main line also, so it could be up to three weeks before the Irrigation is turned on" I have been so spoiled with automatic sprinklers, and irrigation water. We have city water for are house, but you have to pay for that according to your usage. I put a hose on our house water and watered this morning at 5:00am. I do not want my garden, yard, and flowers to die. The backyard looks so good this year. With this 100 degree heat it would take no time at all to have everything die. So are water bill will be going up, because we enjoy a green yard full of flowers. I will be even more grateful for irrigation water, and automatic sprinklers, when everything is back to normal. Isn't it amazing how sometimes we don't realize what, and how good we have it until we loose it. I have really been reflecting on this alot lately in my own life. I talk alot about be grateful for everything, and focusing on the positive instead of the negative, because it is such a reflection of how we truly can be blessed just by changing our attitude. It is thank simple... Sometimes we want to make things so complicated, when really we don't have to its about the simple things in life. Be grateful, and have lots of gratitude in your heart and then you wont focus on what you don't have or what you think you need. I start my day thanking God for my Husband, my health, my kids, my home, my dogs, my cats, my friends, all my family, my jeep, and so on... and so on... you understand me right. We are the best, and life is great. Make a choice to live a grateful abundant life, and have as much fun as possible doing it. Stop taking life so serious, learn to laugh, and play like a kid once in a while. I challenge you to try it and see what happens... who knows you just might become a happier person, you might be better to be around the people around you might just jump for joy around you, and join you. Have a great Day and remember do something wonderful for yourself, and others around you make this world a better place. Have a great Weekend Everyone I will talk to you again on Monday, Ursula Please come join me on my new social group sign up for free today

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