Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday morning.

I remain to stay Motivated to stay healthy, and fit in spite of the Challenges of having a family. I wish that before we got married, and had kids there was a study course that we had to go through, and pass before we could get married, and have kids. I would want the course to focus on Loving, and being a whole person... instead we all seem to come from such disfunctional lifes searching for whatever seems normal to us. Two half people put together to try, and make each other whole is not always the greatest thing. That explains all the divorces. .... instead of two whole people. I feel like in my life that is the way it was for me. I had always wanted a family and kids, Luckly the thing that saved me, I feel, was going threw a Personal Effectiveness Training before I got married, and having my husband go through the trainings as well before we got married, so that we could become a whole person first, and begin to start loving ourselfs first. Not to say that there is No challenges, you just have some tools now to apply to your life. So when Life starts Lifing you can keep communication open. you cannot give love unless you know how to recieve love, and that starts by loving yourself first. Setting healthy boundarys for yourself. It has been a dayly challenge To live the best life, that I can possible live. I feel if you do your best, to be the best that you can be. It becomes a ripple effect with your family. Healthly eating choices, Healthy relationships, Staying fit, Taking all your vitamins daily, Just doing everything positive for yourself, and others. Nourish your Body, soul, and Mind. Learning to say No when you need to say No, and do not be a people pleaser, and Do not worry about what people think about you. You will never be able to please everybody, and not everybody will like you. Do your best, and the rest will follow. Treat yourself, your family, and friends as if it was the last day that you are here on Earth. Be strong when you need to be strong, and kind when you need to be kind. Another wards I say it all the time..... Treat people the way that you want to be treated. If any of this registered with anyone feel free to comment, or go to my web sight Oh, and find something that you love to do, and then figure out how to get payed for it. Follow your Heart.

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