Thursday, July 2, 2009


Todays my last work day before are family trip. My husbands friend from High School called, and invited us to his house for the 4th of July weekend, My daughter is so excited she has us all packed since Tuesday. She loves to do laundry as her chore so she did all the laundry, and new exactly what clothes to pack for our three day weekend. She is such a great organizer, and planner. We got the Jeep washed inside and out as well yesterday. We bought Dvd tvs for the back of the seats in hope that everyone gets along and less fighting. Trying to keep peace with brothers and sisters is very important for parents sanity. My husbands friend has three kids as well one 14, 5, and 2 and of course we are bringing are dogs, and are girl dog is about two go into heat so Im sure that will spice the confusion up a little bit we will be having some dog action going on, to go along with all the confusion of two familys together for a weekend that we havent seen in yrs. It amazes me how different Men are from woman planning Trips. I usually plan all are trips, and things that we are going to do. My husband really could careless about all the details he works alot, so he just wants to show up, and know that everything is handled. This trip I decided to let him make the plans. I started asking him the details of what we were going to do, and about the accomadations he said everythings fine just bring some clothes, and some Beer for me and my buddy, everythings handled. So my daughter is just like me she wants all the details. She said so where are we going to sleep, what are we going to do, and what do we need to bring to help out. I said, I have know Idea, so isnt it amazing the differnces between men and woman. So my daughter says Mom you need to call his wife, and get all the details of the trip. I left a message on her voicemail, I have not yet heard back from her, so we are just packing what we think we need, and not worring about it. Im sure everything will be great as long as we have fireworks for the kids to set off. Sometimes in life I guess I just need to relax, and not worry about all the details, as long as we are all together, and I have my morning coffee, Something Healthy to eat , and a soft place to sleep things are Great. Enjoy your 4th of July.

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