Wednesday, July 29, 2009

wednesday morning

Im up bright, and early once again enjoying my coffee, listening to the birds sing, and opening all the doors, and window for early morning fresh air. We have been having really Hot weather here all last week was in the hundreds, and this whole week as well. So are survival stradigy has been stay in the air conditioning, and swim alot. My kids are going to this great Bible camp all this week so luckily they had lots of outdoor activities planned that incuded... a Big water slide, car washing, and lots of water events. They are having so much fun. Last night I picked them up at 6:00pm and we went to a Pool party/BBQ. I was not real sure about it since it was 101, but I thought if there nice enough to have the party, we will go enjoy it even though we may sweat to death. It was right out in the middle of the desert in Badger canyon. We ended up having a great time the kids were swimming the whole time, the only time they stopped was to eat dinner. I met some great new ladys. We had an amazing time I hardly thought about how hot it was out there. My kids were so tired. By the time we left it was dark, and they slept on the way home. Great times with great friends thats what its all about. Today is grocery shopping, and Bible camp, and as much projects as I can get done. Its great to work my own hours, and spend the entire summer with my kids, they are Great. We are having a great time. may your day be filled with lots of fun, and laughter enjoy your kids they grow fast, and remember let them be kids they only have a short time home, before you know it they will be off to college, So enjoy them everyday, and be so very greatful to have them, and love them they are a blessing. I am off to my basement now to get in a great workout. Remember to takecare of yourself so that you can be the best that you can be. bye,Ursula

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