Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let me assist You to the in creating the best YOU

Good Morning,
Everyday is such a gift..... everyday that we wake up and breath, and have are health is a gift a gift that needs to keep on giving..I am dedicating my life to health and wellness not only to feel the best that I can feel but, to share my journey with all... so that everyone knows the value of truly living a great healthy beautiful life there is nothing else like it in the world... makes you feel good from the inside out.

I woke up this morning and I was thinking about my life before I became a beachbody coach and I was thinking to myself why couldn't I stay committed before I joined beachbody? Why did I not exercise regularly? why did I eat such bad food to sabotage myself ? these questions were going through my head and I feel like I know the answer and Ive shared it with you many times but I really want you to get the answer so that you will do what it takes to stay committed because its like anything you must stay focused on your prize...The answer for me and so many people is You must have a desire first of all for change and feel worthy of it, start loving yourself where you are, then you must find support and encouragement, and accountability..That is huge for me that's what I must have always that's why I signed up as a coach so that I would not fail this time. and you get what you focus on... so if your eating breathing living fitness..then you will attract that into your life daily so you will do what it takes to get there and bring many with you.

I never dreamed I would be doing what I'm doing motivating and inspiring myself and others to make great choices for themselves and to put themselves at the top of the list, but now that I am I discovered my true passion is fitness, and what I love to do. I realized I just lost it for awhile having kids and staying busy which so many of us do we take care of everyone else before are own needs and then we wonder why we feel so bad, and so unhealthy and Tired..I'm on a mission to change this low way of living to truly discovering your passion, and Zest for life ..Do you know that the greatest most wonderful thing you can do for yourself and others is to take great care of YOU..

I'm here for you to assist myself, and You into reclaiming your life daily and figuring out a plan of action to make it happen daily, and I'm making myself available for anyone that would like support and accountability that's what I am here for, and that's what brings me passion, because I want all of you to find the true happiness you can all have by taking care of your inside and outside that is the fountain of youth, and that's what I want you all to discover Daily so get with me if your looking for that push that you so desire. I'm the one that can assist you to that next level of the Best YOU...

Peace and Love always, Ursula

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