Monday, February 7, 2011

Join me for a Greater You

Good Morning,,
What a great Super Bowl it was Packers took it all..and the best part for me was commercials and half time... loved the Black Eyed Peas being there they rocked it, and all the lights that was fantastic..of course I had to dance with them it was great..and was the first Super Bowl that I made healthy food and did not I do feel great today and I'm ready to inspire myself to keep going on this fitness Quest and inspire you all as well.

Its been four months now in this Beachbody journey and I'm finally feeling the rewards of my body getting stronger and leaner, I still have a long way to go but if I continue to stay consistent I will reach my Goal by Summer..How great is that...four months till Bikini swimming weather who is going to join me..Please don't just sit on the sidelines watching everyone else get in shape make it happen for yourself ... I am, I finally took the plunge and am doing it and I have also went as far as taping some of my workouts for beginners, and to assist in getting you motivated, and for people who may not have money to buy DVDs or go to the Gym I'm bringing it to you for free, all you have to do is go to my YouTube channel Subscribe for free and follow the workouts for free its that simple

So now I'm doing my part to stay focused and consistent what are you going to do to start making the decision to start your fitness goals? if you already working out then high Five continue ..make this your lifestyle change that you do every week and don't let anyone or anything stop you.
I'm married to a man that is the complete opposite of me, which most of us are..we do not like the same music, he hates to workout, he thinks that working is enough exercise for him, there is only one workout he will join me you see you may not have everyone on board with you when you start, but don't let anyone else discourage you or keep you from reaching your fitness goals keep going no matter what and when they see your change hopefully you will inspire them as well to join or stay miserable.

Dream big and reach for the stars and realize it takes awhile to get back in shape after you have neglected your health and body and be patient and consistent and mix up your workouts to keep tricking your muscles, and I am here for you for accountability, friendship, love, and Encouragement send me a message and let me know your ready to start truly living a great healthy fit life..I'm ready for you to join me and we can support each other..don't let anyone steal this from YOU...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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