Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learn to Prioritize you first

Good Morning,
Do you ever wake up and you just don't know where to start there is just so much to do all the time with a family, seems overwhelming at times... Like how in the world can one person do so much. Like us moms we are responsible for so much all the time wearing so many Hats on a daily basis, cook, maid, accountant, nurse, and on and on it never ends..I guess getting married and having a family needs to be explained better before we sign up for all of

I'm making sure my kids know exactly the good the bad and all in between so they don't just think that getting married is a fairy tale princess story it takes daily work to keep a family running smoothly so much happens that is out of our control, so the best thing we can do is remain in peace even through the storms of life..

I now love all that I do but it took some time to prioritize my life. writing down the most important things to do first and realizing that if they all don't get done I wont die, and neither will anyone else the most important thing on your list Is YOU because if you don't add yourself to your list no one else will. You are your own responsibility to make sure that your health is taken care of first then and only then can you be the best you that you can be and do all your many responsibilities..I use to feel guilty for putting myself first but now I know as a mom its essential.

YOU are the Creator of your own life and destiny daily and what you do and the choices you make daily can and will impact your future ..How many people say OH when my kids are raised I will eat better and workout ..I don't have time now to busy , working and kids, and on and on they continue to lie to themselves and then it becomes to late health problems start to happen and problems start to arise...So maybe you need to feel worthy enough starting today to make the time for you no matter how busy you are... You must be first in order to be the best you, and feel the greatest you have ever felt..Those days are over putting everyone else first..NO YOUR THE PRIORITY..get your life and your health and energy back today..

All the chores and responsibilities will get done, and you will learn to delegate more and prioritize your life more clearly in order to do and be who you where created to be..Follow your peace always and put yourself at the top of your list daily and sweat like you have never sweat before mix up your workouts and start living well...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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