Saturday, February 19, 2011

Turn your Body into a Fat burning machine

Good Morning,
Woke up early this Saturday morning thinking about a Blog to write..Seems I get so excited about my new healthy lifestyle that I want to share with all of you... how great it feels to put yourself at the top of the list and celebrate You daily..

I was laying in bed thinking about how great it would be if we would all focus on turning are bodies into a fat burning machines and this is what Body builders and people who workout have the ability to do daily..Why wouldn't we as Lady's want to build more muscle to burn are fat..muscle is sexy and it makes are body look and feel sexier.. Burns are fat and makes us feel and look younger..Muscle is the new skinny..

We have the ability to build muscle definition and look and feel younger, and healthier by doing this we are defying are age, and feeling the best we can feel with more stamina, and strength. I have always known that lifting weights and keeping your muscles strong as you age is the key but somehow I let that slip away after having kids..and then my fat took over when I stopped working out, and I lost my muscle mass to burn my now that I have reclaimed my health, and I am regaining my strength I can see that this is the only way to live, and that's why I became a Beachbody coach so that I could keep myself accountable, and not go back to the old me not caring about myself or my body...

Its time to take a stand not only in a positive lifestyle,but a healthy lifestyle learning daily everything you need to do to stay healthy, and active is so vital not only for yourself but for your family..Eat great healthy foods daily it starts in your kitchen..make sure you eat great healthy fats, and protein, and fuel your body with only great healthy foods, and then find a workout program that fits you..this is another reason why I Love Beachbody is because they have the best at home DVDs ever... to whip you back in shape in no time.P90X, Insanity, turbo jam, turbo fire, and so many I could not list all..You can get a great workout at home. I'm doing it so If I can being a stay at home mom anyone can. join me, that was what I needed someone to be accountable to daily and Beachbody shakeology the once a day meal replacement gets rid of your cravings and assists you in weight loss and gives you tons of Lets go join me today for a greater you..Lets together turn are bodies into fat burning machines...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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