Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Do You Focus On Daily

Good Morning,
What you focus on daily is what you create.. What do you focus on daily? Do you wake up grateful and peaceful ? or do you wake up feeling pressured and anger before you even start your Day. We get exactly what we focus on from day to day..You are the Leader of your life creating exactly what you want. what you focus on is what you get. How many of you waste your days focusing on problems and situations you cannot change, and people that you would love to fix and mend there personalities to match yours its impossible to do so...

Learning Daily that you have the power to change only You, is all you need to worry about, pray for the people in your life, and trust that they will learn there own lesson we can guide through love but its up to the own person as to how they choose to live there life...Set yourself free from worry, pain, and thinking that you can change someone else...we have a big enough job with just ourselves daily...

So this is what I want you to do if you want to live a healthy positive successful Life...IT starts with YOU daily....Wake up first thing in the morning and get up before anyone else and start by thinking about everything your grateful for, and that your still alive and have breath..I write my blog which assists me in thinking positive for the day..write a list of your attainable Goals and a date as to when you will achieve them..If your a mom send your kids to school with so many positive loving words you can think of and when you drop them off at school tell them you Love them daily...Even if you just start with this it will assist you in starting your positive lifestyle..

Then For me once my kids are at school I'm at the Top of my to do list are bodies, and health are so very vital for living this happy positive lifestyle... we need daily maintenance in order to feel and look the best we ever have it starts by planning your day around your workouts day or night is fine as long as you do them. Also your kitchen has to be filled with healthy for me that's a challenge that I have had to overcome having three teens but I do it everyday. I know I'm having my Shakeology for lunch, and if I go out to lunch with friends I have it for its a no brain er and for dinner I cook for five people, so I make as healthy dinners as I can, and then always use a salad plate and I modify mine as to what I can eat..So here gives you an idea that it starts with you daily but the most import thing is to focus on your mind, body,soul, and spirit daily to focus and create exactly what you want daily and then you wont have time to worry about other people you cant fix anyway, and miracles will start to happen in your life and you will start attracting the same type of people to join you on a happier, healthier daily lifestyle...Be blessed Angels
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

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