Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Good Morning,
Happy Middle of the week so excited about all the great things that are hapening in my life I'm finally seeing great results after four months as a Beachbody coach and focusing on incredible workouts and eating healthy and Shakeology has made all the difference in the world and I'm feeling and looking younger everyday..who would of thought that you could defy age like this..I'm loving it and loving shopping for smaller sizes so yes If I seem over the top with my enthusiasm them its well deserved.

I'm the type of person that when great things are happening for me I want to share them with the world and through Beachbody I now have that outlet to be able to do that through facebook, my space, and YouTube, and here it is so great to be able to shoot all these wonderful positive results out to the world..I use to think the Beachbody people were crazy for posting there before and after pictures and sharing such personal pictures with the world and now I'm doing it because something amazing happens when you are consistent with your workouts and eating plan you get so excited and you want to share because you feel so amazing and look so much better your body starts building muscle and starts eating the fat away..You want to shout it out to everyone how great you feel and look and that's whats happening to me I'm forty one and feel twenty one its crazy...

So if you do not make the changes daily for yourself you will keep having the same results... which is fat and miserable and I don't know about you but I wasted to many years that way so today and forever I choose the healthy happy positive over the top lifestyle so you can either get excited with me or delete me from your life and continue low living...Its your choice you get to live your life how you choose and I'm loving this fabulous healthy fit life and I'm never going back to anything other than drinking my shakeology and fitness workouts because I'm feeling fantastic, and full of energy and zest for Life.. Join me for a greater You how ever you choose make sure its health and fitness that you focus on daily and I promise you that you can turn back the clock as well and create your fountain of youth daily..
peace and Love always, Ursula

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