Friday, February 25, 2011

create the best you daily

Good Morning,
I really want to encourage all of you not to compromize your dreams and goals and vision for your life there is only one of you with your abilities, gifts, and talents... you can not be like anyone else or look like anyone else so stop trying to be someone else, and follow someone Else's life your life celebrating You daily..You can have the greatest life ever knowing that there is no one else in the world like figure out what your gifts, and talents are and what you Love to do better then anyone else and embrace You daily...

I stopped trying to impress and be like anyone else along time ago, and stopped caring about what people may say about me, or think about me if I'm allowing my light to shine daily and celebrating being me, and creating a great positive working loving life for me, then who cares who doesn't like it and who cares what the negative Nelly's may say..Its not there life its my as soon as you surrender all and focus on you daily is when you will begin to embrace you daily and get rid of bad seeds in your life that would want to bring you down...Follow your voice inside of yourself daily for guidance and that's all you need to worry about ..not trying to impress anyone...just being YOU is all you can do to live happy and peaceful and letting your inner voice be your guide daily..

Set yourself free today from pressure and pain, and sorrow and go after your goals,dreams and visions for a happier, healthier, more abundant life...Everyday I wake up with a grateful heart no matter what, and that sets the tone for a beautiful day that I get to create daily.. I'm working out harder then I ever have, because I have a goal that I focus on daily and I'm inviting you to come along on my journey so that I stay accountable, and I pray that by allowing you to see me do it that it will assist you, and others to focus on there fitness realizing they are worth it as well..we can feel amazing every single day it is possible...So set yourself free today and be the best You that you can create daily...
Peace, and Love Always Ursula

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